124 Stories To Learn About Frontend Development

124 Stories To Learn About Frontend Development


22 min read

Let's learn about Frontend Development via these 124 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the Learn Repo or learnrepo.com to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Is Angular Still Worth Learning in 2022? Extended Edition

A fresh perspective on if Angular is dying or if it's still worth learning in 2022!

2. Cleanup Functions in React’s UseEffect Hook — Explained with examples

Cleanup functions in React’s useEffect hook allow us to stop side effects that no longer need to be executed in the component.

3. React useRef Hook Explained with Examples

Well, we all know that ref helps us to get access to the DOM. But let's consider next situation, we have some React component and we want to know how many times this component was rendered. How can we achieve that? Well, maybe we can use React useEffect and useState hooks to determine that the component was re-rendered. Something like this:

4. 10 Best Practices for Every React Developer

React Best Practices, How to get the most out of React library and what steps you should take.React is one of the most popular front-end libraries for JS

5. Using $auth Module’s Redirect in Tandem With $router.push in Nuxt.js

Recently I came across the issue of using the auth module in Nuxt.js and invoking a $router.push in subsequent line of code in the same method. The conundrum began when the lines after the auth.loginWith method did not execute as intended since the page was redirected to the redirect URI.

6. Why Vite is Better Than Create-React-App (CRA)

Vite is a build tool similar to Webpack. It can be used for React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, Vanilla JS, and LitElements. Vite is 100 times faster than Webpack and b

7. Intro to React CSS Modules

CSS Modules helps you create independent and customized cascading style sheets for any .js file rendering HTML in your React application.

8. React Hooks: The Difference Between useMemo and useCallback

React library provides us two built-in hooks to optimize the performance of our app: useMemo & useCallback. At first glance, it might look like their usage is quite similar, so it can get confusing about when to use each. To clear that confusion, let’s dig in and understand the actual difference and the correct way to use them both.

9. How to Add Script Tags in React

Adding a new script tag and directly appending it to the element of the page is the easiest way to add