54 Stories To Learn About Python Development

54 Stories To Learn About Python Development

Let's learn about Python Development via these 54 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the Learn Repo or learnrepo.com to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Exploring Python Features Available in Anypoint Studio

Installing python in any point studio exploring python with mulesoft.

2. How to Fetch Statistics From YouTube API Using Python

In this article, we’ll learn how to use the YouTube API to get the full playlists of any channel (not only your own) and get all videos from a playlist.

3. Understanding Unit Testing in Python

Testing is a method of checking individual units of source code to confirm it works optimally before shipping code to production.

4. Tell Us Why Django is Everyone’s Favorite Backend Web Framework [Writing Prompt]

Draw some inspiration from the list of topics in this article and start writing about your experience with web development in Django.

5. Auto-generating Audio Like HackerNoon In Python

Using pyttsx3 to convert text to speech in Python.Female voice using pyttsx3. Text to speech in Python.

6. 3 Efficient Ways to Reverse a List in Python

Reversing a list is a common requirement in any programming language. In this tutorial, we will learn the effective way to reverse a list in Python.

7. How to Encrypt a PDF Using Python

Encryption is a way of encoding human-readable data with encrypted code that enables the use of a password to view the source and data stored.

8. Reversing a Linked List

Given the head of a singly linked list, reverse the list, and return the reversed list.

9. How to Resolve 'Check if Generator Is Empty Error' in Python

In this tutorial, we will learn how to check if a file or directory is empty in Python.

10. Asynchronous Programming in Python using Async IO

In this article, we’ll be learning what is Async IO, its components, and a basic implementation in Python to get you started.

11. How to Make a Twitter Desktop Widget with Python

This desktop widget can allow you to tweet super quickly straight from your desktop.

12. The Applications of Python Programming Language

Python is trending as the second most popular programming language in the world and grabbed its position edging out Java.

13. What is Property-based Testing (Part 1)

Introduction to property-based testing by way of an illustrative example.

14. The Best IDEs and Code Editors for Learning Pyton

In this post, we compare the best Python IDEs and Code Editors.

15. Why You Should Choose Python Development for Your Next Web Project

Here is a step-by-step guide to identify and hire a skilled Python Web Development Company for your next web project to take advantage of Python's capabilities.

16. How to Create Hidden Secret Messages in Images using Python

Today, we are gonna learn how to apply coding skills to cryptography, by performing image-based stenography which hiding involves secret messages in an image.

Stenography has been used for quite a while. Since World War II, it was heavily used for communication among allies so as to prevent the info being captured by enemies

17. A Simple Guide to Building a Website Blocker in Python

Many of us struggle to focus nowadays, easily distracted by Social media and some sites on the internet which dramatically affecting our productivity. In this tutorial, you will learn and build your own website blocker to block certain selected sites that distract you during working hours.

18. Python Tricks Every Developer Should Know

Python is awesome, it’s one of the easiest languages with simple and intuitive syntax but wait, have you ever thought that there might ways to write your python code simpler?

19. Python Interfaces: Abandon ABC and Switch to Protocols

Reasons to use Python Protocols instead of ABC library for Python interfaces.

20. How to Build a Tip Calculator in Python

Learn how to build a tip calculator with an intelligent and thoughtful way to divide payments amongst friends, no matter the number

21. A Complete Guide to Python Dictionaries

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about Python dictionaries.

22. Pandas Code Testing Guide for New Python Developers

A guide on how to write efficient and effective unit tests for Pandas functions using Pytest.

23. Why Does Python Has a "Pass" Statement

Article to understand why does Python have a Pass statement, why it is designed? Is it just an ordinary comment block or for the grammatical completeness

24. 7 Ways to Make Your Python Project Structure More Elegant

Best practices for a manageable, scalable, and easily understandable Python project structure

25. How to Create a Phone Number Tracking App in Python

Today I’m going to share with you how to build a simple desktop application to identify and track country information from phone numbers.

26. How to Create a Random Password Generator Using Python

Create a random password generator using Python by generating a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols as characters scrambled together

27. Python For Beginners: Learning One-Liners On Practice

Like lists comprehensions and lambda functions python one line codes can save a lot of time and space so how you can master them?

28. “Python Is Slow” and Other Myths of a Dying Era

This article addresses misconceptions and the realities of Python compilers and libraries that enable the writing of ultra-fast programs.

29. 40 Python Projects Ideas For Students

Hello guys , in this blog post I have organized 40 Python projects that you might be interested trying out ranging from webscraping to to natural language processing.

30. How to Combine .NET Core and Python for Seamless Integration

Check out this post to see how you can use Python from inside a C# .NET Core application with a more modern approach than my original articles using Pythonnet.

31. Introducing Starlite: A New Python Asynchronous API Framework

Introducing the python Starlite API framework - a new async (ASGI) framework built on top of pydantic and Starlette

32. Beginner Python Projects: Build a Random Password Generator in Python

Wanna start a beginner Python project? Let's create a Password Generator Python Project which is super quick & super fun!

33. Your Guide To Productive Python Programming

Have you ever felt that you are not coding Python as productive as you want to be? Python avoids repetition to do more work with less code.

34. Untangling Heavily Nested Python Code

Reducing the nesting level of code by applying a guard clause.

35. Introductory Guide to Automatic Language Translation in Python

Today, I'm going to share with you guys how to automatically perform language translation in Python programming.

36. Python List Comprehension Beginner's Guide

Today you’re going to learn about python list comprehension, a very powerful feature of python to use when creating a python List based on certain constraints.

37. Creating a Wrapper for Tesseract is Several Times Faster Than PyTesseract

Creating your wrapper for Tesseract, which is several times faster than the popular PyTesseract.

38. The Ultimate Guide To Hassle Free Bugs Fixing In Premium Python Projects By SonarCloud

As developers, there always comes a time when we find a bug in production and wonder how it passed all our quality checks. The truth is that we can never be sure our code is bug free. We can only choose the tools and workflows which will find the most bugs without slowing us down too much.

39. Learning Python Variables

As with all other languages, Python has variables that can be defined to hold data.

40. Here's How We Built a HIPAA-Compliant Rules Engine for a Medtech Startup

MedTech startup, Jiseki Health, is a concierge service that helps its clients take control of their health and improve their wellbeing. Their major clients include a well-known electric car manufacturer and several large American insurance companies.

41. Choosing between NodeJS and Python for your Next Backend App

Deep comparison of two well-known programming languages: Node.js and Python. Learn more about their pros, cons, use cases, and other important criteria.

42. Python’s Features, Frameworks and Advantages in Developing a Mobile App

In this article, we are going to explain the growing importance of developing mobile app using Python along with its popular frameworks, features & advantages.

43. Took - A Twitter Bot that Tweets Books.

Usually I found myself reading more than 100 tweets per day, so I thought that using all that 'reading power' to read a book using tweets could be a good idea.

44. 'Beautiful is Better than Ugly': Using Python to Automate Your SEO Strategy

Python is a powerful, simple, and versatile language that can be used to do many things including helping you with SEO. This guide shows how to use it for SEO.

45. Pickling and Unpickling in Python

In this blog, you will learn about the Pickling and Unpickling process, although it is quite simple it is very important and useful.

46. How to Use the Django Templating System Efficiently

The Django template system is available to users (programmers) using the Django framework for creating web applications.

47. Pixelated Images Using Python

We use PIL (Pillow) to create pixelated Image using Python. Firstly, resize down an image and then resize it up to get pixelated effect. Basic image operations.

48. Why Python? [Possibilities & Use Cases]

You can use Python for general software development, data science and math. But to find out whether Python fits your app take a look at benefits and use cases.

49. Top Python Frameworks to Explore in 2022

Selecting the correct Python framework is the only thing you need to develop a successful project in no time.

50. Should anyone build a Mobile App in Python?

Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of mobile development in Python, as well as why it can be a good choice for startups.

51. A Simple Guide to Building Chat Applications in Python

In this tutorial, I will guide you to building a command line chatting application in Python using sockets.

52. Intro to Image Processing in Python with Pillow

Pillow is Python Imaging Library that is free and open-source an additional library for the Python programming language that adds support for opening, manipulating, and saving in a variety of extension.

53. A Guide to PyCharm IDE for Beginners

I have seen lots of people are asking questions like W"which is the best editor tool in Python?" The answer is different for different users but most frequently people use PyCharm. The reasons are as below:

54. 8 Best Python Libraries For Machine Learning in 2021 🛠

Numpy, Scipi, Keras, and Theano are some of the best Python Libraries For Machine Learning in 2021.

Thank you for checking out the 54 most read stories about Python Development on HackerNoon.

Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

This story was originally published on hackernoon.com