68 Stories To Learn About Growth Mindset

68 Stories To Learn About Growth Mindset


13 min read

Let's learn about Growth Mindset via these 68 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the Learn Repo or learnrepo.com to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Die With Zero Regrets and 100% Fulfillment

How to die with zero regrets and 100% fulfillment?

2. How to Think Like a Winner: Developing a Growth Mindset

People often perceive changes and challenges as threats. When a threat is present, a person’s ability to think, learn, adapt, and recover is limited.

3. 2 Ways to Effectively Manage Extra Work in a New Startup

Below we will discuss how to become more efficient daily. There are always mistakes in a new business, but hopefully, this can alleviate some of them.

4. Uncover the Dark Side of Electric Vehicles

High Electric Vehicle market penetration may look great on paper, but there is a sinister consequence lurking.

5. Comfort Zone: There is No Magic Outside It

You must have come across the images of Venn diagrams depicting the intersection of comfort / discomfort as Magic Zone. I don’t quite agree and that’s where the problem begins. This is the area where the specter of Inner Critic lurks around with self-doubt ready to make you question your efforts and belittle everything you have achieved so far.

6. All Aboard The Hackership

The first instalment in a series set to document an editorial intern's journey throughout the hackership - Hackernoon's first internship program.

7. How to Turn Instagram Into LinkedIn in 30 Seconds

Turn your Instagram profile into a lead generation tool for your business, like LinkedIn.

8. When I give, I have control: Meet the Writer Baptiste Monnet

Baptiste Monnet, on personal development, cooking videos, and the danger that comes with Lithium mines. Read the latest in the "Meet the writer" series.

9. How Having Growth Mindset Can Help Growing Your Marketing

How companies can benefit from a growth mindset.

10. The Founder's Choice: Stupid & Unlucky or Lucky & Smart?

Given a choice between lucky and smart vs unlucky and stupid, which one should you pick as a founder?

11. Neuroplasticity: How to Sculpt Your Brain

Only a few decades ago, we believed that the brain was a nonrenewable organ with a finite amount of neurons. But then we discovered that the strength of connections between neurons can change, something that's called structural neuroplasticity.

12. To Assert Authority as a Young Manager, the Magic is in the Balance

Some discomfort is natural if you have recently moved from an individual contributor to a manager position.

13. A Guide to Practicing Self Care for Managers

Management is a tricky job. You are required to care for other people and their growth while also feeling responsible for their emotional and mental well-being.

14. How Your Churn Can Aid Business Growth

How tracking your churn rate can provide valuable insights into your business. Learn how to calculate churn rate to drive exponential growth.

15. 3 Tips for Conquering Your Fear of Delegation

In this article we will briefly discuss why that is so important and a few ways you can conquer your fear of delegating and help your business and you thrive!

16. How To Embrace the Growth Mindset for Career Success

People with a growth mindset are constantly learning, refining their successes, and improving on their failures. The process is more important than the outcome.

17. Focus on the Small Victories, Instead of Those Ambitious Goals

Do you celebrate big victories, audacious goals, and major milestones? You must. We all do. But, what happens after a big goal is met?

18. 20 Principles for Managers to Learn and Lead

Being a manager isn’t easy, and anyone who tells you otherwise ain’t doing their job.

19. The Female Founders of Unicorn Companies ClassPass and Spanx Share These 5 Traits, Do You?

What are the top five traits of new-age female founders of unicorn companies? How are they different from conventional traits?

20. How to Manage Your Anger at Work

Handling emotions at work

21. 5 Practices to Shift from Scarcity to Abundance Mindset

Thinking with a scarcity mindset or abundance mindset isn’t limited to work, it extends to how you approach everything—friends, family, and other relationships.

22. The Negative Impact of Telling Your Employees to "Bring Solutions, Not Problems"

Telling your team to stop bringing you problems creates an environment in which employees don’t feel safe talking about the real issues.

23. Passion is the Answer to Loving Your Work

24. The Four Cornerstones of Mindful Leadership

Mindfulness: Paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, without judgement.

25. Is Faking It Till You Make It Useful Advice?

26. Harnessing Growth Mindset to Design a Spider Killer

I was in the middle of doing a pilates class over Zoom when I noticed a big spider on the ceiling. I pointed it out to my kids who were in the room with me, but knowing that none of us could reach it, I dismissed it and went back to struggling through “the hundreds”. Around me, the kids also resumed their activity... or so I thought.

27. Explore Why You Should Keep a Growth Mindset in Interviews

In situations where we change or update the tech stack, the team will be required to learn new languages, frameworks, databases, etc.

28. How I Beat My Limited Beliefs, Quit My Job, and Became a Island-based Digital Nomad

How to become a digital nomad with no experience. Here is how I stopped working 9 to 5 and became a digital nomad.

29. WTF Do Product Managers Do?

The path of a product manager is influential through managing different projects with a team and forward-thinking to steer the company in the right direction.

30. Fall in Love With "The Beginner's Mentality"

What's the best way to learn? Think like a beginner! It’s time to take pride in being a beginner and seeking a plurality of viewpoints.

31. Driving Action Through the Power of 'Yet'

Saying “I can’t do” triggers a belief that she can never do it, it’s not within her reach. That makes her give up without trying hard enough.

32. Dealing With Impostor Syndrome

Unfounded feelings of being a fraud is the hallmark of Imposter Syndrome but it's only one part of a five-sided coin that can be confronted with time.

33. The Matthew Principle of Accumulated Advantage and How the Poor Get Poorer

The Matthew Effect or Matthew Principle of accumulated advantage, is sometimes summarized by the adage "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer".

34. Overcoming a Lifelong Stutter to Interview the Best in Business and Tech

The Growth Manifesto's Alex Cleanthous has managed a challenging stutter and come to interview some of the best and brightest guests in the world.

35. From Small Failures to Big Wins: An Interview With Marco Calamassi on Mindset

I'm a mindset geek, It all comes down to that in the end, whether it's failures or wins. In my constant chase for Mindset hacks, tips and stories I had the opportunity to talk to the Digital Entrepreneur Marco Calamassi, whose team develops social media brands and products for some of the biggest influencers. In this interview, I had a chance to ask a few questions regarding his journey, the struggles, the successes and the mindset needed. Here's what he had to say.

36. Hacking Your Motivation

I didn't grow up being excited for my mornings. All I remember is that I dreaded waking up. Then I found coffee, my best friend for years. It managed to wake me up and get me going.

37. The Key to a Good Relationship With Your Manager

What kind of relationship do you have with your manager? Is it a thriving one or are you barely surviving?

38. What is an 80/20 Manager and How Do You Become One?

80% of sales value is generated by 20% of products. 80% of the results are generated by 20% of the employees.

39. How Perfectionism Helped Me and Worked Against Me

As a kid I always wanted to be the best at what I did: school, sports, games, you name it. I remember playing cards with friends and if I lost and somebody laughed, I would get very upset and disappointed.

40. Everything is Impossible Before Someone Does It

During the 1930s, there was a frenzy for mountain climbing in Europe, driven by some advances in technology, and a modernist zeal. Pre-eminent among these grand challenges, was the lust to climb the North Face of the Eiger, a mile-high sheer face of rock, the largest in the Alps, perpetually in shadow, and shrouded near the top by the dreaded “White Spider” ice field.

41. The "5 to 9 Product Manager"

What to look for when hiring Product Managers. What Product Managers can do to stand out from the crowd.

42. Improve Team Dynamics is Key to Better Workplace Efficiency

Understanding group dynamics and how team-building, when done correctly, can dramatically improve workplace efficiency.

43. What Type Of Manager Are You?

While the change demands letting go of our existing identity and embracing new ones with openness, it’s our mindset that determines what we make of our mindset.

44. 4 Easy Ways to Cultivate a Writing Habit

Developing the habit of writing can offer life-changing value to you and your business. Here are 4 tips that will help.

45. Here's Why You Should Take The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam

In 2004, I was eager for a challenge. I embarked on an adventure of completing a Computer Science Bachelors degree. Fast forward to today and the adventure continues. I’ve been building products for 12 years for a variety of industries from finance to ecommerce, retail, real estate, hospitality and more.

46. Build Lasting Confidence by Bridging the 'Confidence Gap'

47. 8 Common Career Limiting Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Career Limiting Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

48. How to Hack Your Money With a Growth Mindset

Very few people understand basic financial concepts. That’s probably because we are taught from a young age that we shouldn’t talk about money. Unfortunately when people don’t talk about money they don’t learn how to manage their money, and finances become something mystical unable to be controlled or understood. But when people take the time to learn about managing their personal finances things turn out better. What if you could apply a growth mindset to hacking your finances?

49. Leadership Mindsets: Growth vs. Brilliance

Does it ever cross your mind that praise can be negative? I guess not. After all, it looks harmless and seems to be quite effective. Conventional wisdom says that if you praise people, they are motivated to do better.

50. Why Starting Your Growth Strategy with Channels is Stupid

Unfortunately, most acquisition strategies start with channels and where to spend money — like ads, social media, and SEO. According to Myk Pono¹, author of the Marketing Playbook, the standard acquisition process often looks like this:

51. Why You Should Start a Business or Side Hustle Today

If you still dream of leaving your 9-5 job, being your own boss, and finally start pursuing your passion, then keep reading.

52. Social Entrepreneurship Can Help You Level Up Your Success - Here's How

53. A Solution To Your Mental Health Worries: "Think Big" Towards Your Future and The Rest Will Follow

The ability to think big is the first step to break out of our bubble of self-imposed limits and to channel our energies to explore a bigger and better future.

54. How To Train Your Brain To Be More Optimistic

When faced with adversity, most people feel indecisive, restless, and anxious about the future. It is what happens afterward that makes a difference.

55. When Buddhism's Nonattachment Overlaps Stoicism's Dichotomy of Control

Practising nonattachment is not giving up on aspirations or desires but realizing that it would be wise to drop the attachment to our thoughts on the outcome.

56. 4 Ways to Build Trust as a Leader

We have all had relationships that are built on trust and those that are not. If you look back to those experiences, you can clearly say that there’s a significant difference between them. Not only in the quality of your experiences, but also the outcomes you achieved.

57. 5 Emotionally Intelligent Habits For Handling Frustrating Situations In The Workplace

By engaging in a growth mindset, you can move from complaining about frustration to finding a solution. You have the power to choose your mindset.

58. Five Powerful Growth Hacking Lessons Learned in Silicon Valley

What your business can learn from Silicon Valley’s approach to grow customers

59. Hacking Time — Is There a Way to Gain More for What You Want?

We’re all susceptible to miscalculation and misuse of time, so how do we use the tools available to make our time work for us?

60. How to Scale Globally as a Niche Startup: DNA of Wachanga's Success

When you think about profitable business opportunities, mobile apps for parenting are probably not the first thing that comes to mind. But the Wachanga team manages to prosper, attract investments, and keep global leaders on their toes. How?

61. Are You Settling, Or Doing Your Best?

Are You Settling, Or Doing Your Best? It's important to recognise when you are making decisions to be stable or if you're pushing yourself to reach your dreams.

62. What is the Fear Response and How Does it Work?

Fear Is Your Signal To Thrive

63. 14 Habits Of The Growth Hacker Mindset: A Deep Dive

What is a Growth hacker mindset and its 14 habits?

64. What Is Fear-Based Leadership

Fear of not being included, fear of not knowing, fear of status, fear of failure, fear of unknowns, fear of criticism, fear of change, fear of being an imposter can cause a leader to act in undesirable ways. Leading from fear can create a toxic culture in which people play safe, avoid mistakes and lay low in effect creating an organisation that does not grow due to mediocre performance and unrealised potential.

65. 4 Common Types of Critics, and How To Handle Their "Feedback"

Doling out advice, hurling negative comments, passing mean remarks - we have all done it. Given an opportunity, it’s easy to assume the role of an expert and tell others how wrong they are, why their product isn’t good enough, why their idea will never work, how they should behave, what they should do. Why seek permission when we feel right in our criticism?

66. 5 Strategies for Shifting a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset

How do you approach failures in life?

67. How to Cultivate Growth Mindset in the Workplace

I have worked with two different kinds of leaders and managers over the years. The one who believes in fixed abilities and promotes a fixed mindset “those who don’t perform well can never do better” and the other who believes in growing those abilities thereby promoting a growth mindset “people can be coached into improving their skills.”

68. How To Stay Human in the Digital Era: A Series of Fortunate Tips for Shaping the Next Generation

World Wide Webers, it’s 2019 and the talk of town are topics that so many of us interact with every day: conversational marketing, behavioural science, machine learning, process automation, productivity tools, chatbots, algorithms, artificial intelligence, big data, deep learning, accelerating digital transformation, and so much more.

Thank you for checking out the 68 most read stories about Growth Mindset on HackerNoon.

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This story was originally published on hackernoon.com