103 Stories To Learn About Tutorial For Beginners

103 Stories To Learn About Tutorial For Beginners


20 min read

Let's learn about Tutorial For Beginners via these 103 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the Learn Repo or learnrepo.com to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. How to Find Insecure MongoDB Connection Strings in Public GitHub Repositories

A guide on how to protect yourself and your projects while on Github.

2. 10 Fantastic JavaScript Projects for Beginners

Here are 10 Fantastic JavaScript Projects for Beginners.

3. A Guide on How TypeScript Parameters Type Works

The Parameters type is a utility type in TypeScript that lets us take the arguments of a function, and turn it into a new type. Let's look at how it works.

4. AWS Lambda Alias: An Essential Guide

Why you should be using AWS Lambda alias for your versioning strategy

5. How to Easily Check Whether a Number is Automorphic in Java

In this article, I will show you a beginner-friendly approach to find whether a number is Automorphic or not in Java.

6. 3 Free Python Courses For Beginners: 2020 Edition

If you are looking for the best Free Python courses that you can use to expand your Python knowledge, you have come to the right place! If you aren’t sure that you are ready to step into the world of Python, be sure to check out the 6 Things To Know Before You Start Learning Python to make sure that you are starting in the right place.

7. How a Beginner can Learn HTML in 4 Hours

Are you just starting off with Web Development? Then this is your guide to learn the basic concepts behind Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) in just four hours

8. A Simple Introduction to Arrays In JavaScript

Arrays are one of the most used Data Structures in JavaScript and pretty much any language.

9. Paginating Rails with Pagy

After completing the first built of our rails app application, I decided to take it out for a spin. Using Ruby commands that were initially tested on rails console, I built a seed file to populate the database. There were 2 reasons to seed the database. The first was to get an aesthetic feel of the app filled with data. The second was to see how would the app would scale visually with a huge amount of data.

10. TypeScript's Omit Type Explained

The Omit utility Type lets us take types, remove elements, and make entirely new types. Let's look at how it works.

11. Javascript Cheatsheet: Spread Operators

This Javascript Cheatsheet for Spread Operators explains the use case scenarios and the basic concepts behind Spread Operators when coding in Javascript.

12. How to Act Like You're Working When You're not With RobotJS

Learn how to automate your desktop but with a fun example.

13. Git & Github for Dummies

Learn the basics of Git and GitHub.

14. A python IDE that you can use anywhere

As a student who travels a lot (pub - campus - cafe - home), I tend to carry around my macbook air because its light (and I hate heavy things). However, macbook air isn't really a powerful machine and it often drives me mad when the code I'm trying to run is too heavy to run

15. What You Need To Learn to Become a Full Stack Developer from Zero

I worked in marketing and data analysis. After a long time, I decided to change career and leave my 8 to 5 job, to pursue a remote job and start a business of my own. After this point, it's difficult to decide where to look for information and what language to start learning first. If you don’t have any previous knowledge this could be an impediment to continue with your goal. And a waste of your time trying to find the right resources to start.

16. Running Chromecast on Microsoft Surface

Microsoft Surface is a laptop product owned by Microsoft and in this story, I will guide you on How to Chromecast Microsoft Surface.

17. DEX's And AMM's Fuel DeFi Growth

Further advancements in blockchain technology drive the rise of decentralized financial technology (DFT).

18. What is Artificial Intelligence

Building an AI system is a complex process of reverse engineering human traits and capabilities in a machine and then leveraging its computing strength...

19. 3 Best Beginner Flutter Courses to Start With

Recommended Flutter courses to take to start your journey of becoming a Flutter developer, based on my own experience by taking the courses myself.

20. If You Think 100 Days of Code is Hard: Try One Game a Month Challenge

A popular challenge that beginner programmers participate in is called 100 Days of Code. Although I never participated in it myself, I see countless tweets with screenshots and progress reports of people sharing bits of apps they made. 100 Days of Code is a great way to keep people in the programmer mindset. It gets them familiar with what it is like to code every day. Still, I wonder if it is the best approach for everyone. For them, One Game a Month could be a great alternative.

21. CheatSheet: 20 JavaScript Array Methods

Arrays are objects that enable storing a collection of items and data under a single variable name and have the capability to perform a certain operation.

22. JavaScript Promises from Scratch

To get the most out of this article, please make sure that you know basics about Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming and, if possible, about javascript callbacks.However, I will try to keep most of the stuff away from these topics so that you can understand at least 85% of it.

23. How to Add Notifications to your React Navigation bar

24. Recursion: by Randy Taylor; While You Don't Understand Recursion, Read Recursion: by Randy Taylor

Algorithms for beginners: fundamentals of recursion.

25. 8 CSS Properties to Know if You are a Beginner

8 CSS Properties to know if you are a beginner.

26. The Ultimate List of Web 3 Learning Resources for Beginners

A complete lists of resources to help you get started in the Web3 and crypto world.

27. Python for Beginners, Part 14: E-1 Circle of Squares

Learn how to write a function that makes a circle of squares!

28. Don’t Be Ashamed of Tutorial Hell. Embrace it.

Learning is a process of creating knowledge in your brain. You have to allow your brain to make connections.

29. A Beginner's Guide to BFS and DFS in JavaScript

Learn BFS and DFS, powerful algorithms to traverse and search data structures. Examples and step-by-step JavaScript code included.

30. Sqoop Import and Export Tutorial - A Beginner’s Guide

Need to transfer in the data from RDBMS to HDFS or vice versa? Check this out!

31. HTTP For Beginners - Part 2: Responses

In this part of the series, I'll demonstrate generating HTTP responses from a simple Node.js Express server.

32. Recreate a Simple Pokemon Game With 70 Lines of Javascript

Creating the "Who's that Pokemon" segment from the anime as a web game can be easily done with just 70 lines of javascript and with the help of an API

33. Introducing Linux Command Line to Beginners

I am learning Linux Command Line, and for this learning-in-public journey, I have chosen to share my notes.

34. Why Web Development Is So Difficult

Are you struggling while starting learning CSS and HTML? Do you feel overwhelmed with sooooo many properties? Don’t they look like the same? Haven’t you tried with a couple of tutorials (that you feel they are easy to do at the moment) but feel you don’t have the knowledge to start from the scratch?

35. An Introduction to Linux and Terminal Basics

This blog will help you navigate through Linux.

36. Python for Beginners, Part 1: How to Download and Install Python

I will show you how to download and install Python in less than 2 minutes! We will be up and running super fast and get to working on some cool stuff. So what are you waiting for, let's get started!

37. Web Scraping For Fun: With 'requests-html'

Web Scraping for fun: With 'requests-html'

38. Python for Beginners, Part 17: Boolean Algebra Jiu-Jitsu

Let's talk about the most important thing in programming... BOOOOOOOLEAN ALGEBRA. Hmm... Is that a True statement OR False? Watch the video AND find out... Or NOT... Up to you.

39. How To Shorten URLs: Java and Spring Step-By-Step Guide

URL shortener Java and Spring boot tutorial. A step-by-step guide that is easy to follow. This is a common interview task that should be understood by devs.

40. Build an Array from Scratch in Javascript

In the last post Arrays in JS, we learned about what arrays are, how we can store data in them and some methods which can be used on the array to get certain results.

41. Python for Beginners, Part 5: Variables

We will discover what are variables in this video. How is data stored into variables and then how you can retrieve it later for easier access. We will look at all this through a visualization using the Turtle library from Python.

42. Python for Beginners, Part 16: Dictionaries

Let's talk about yet another fascinating data structure known as dictionaries. Ever wondered how your iPhone stores phone numbers and then allows for simple and efficient lookups? Well, no need to wonder anymore after you watch this video!

43. A Beginner's Guide to HTTP - Part 3: Requests

In this part of the series, I'll demonstrate generating HTTP requests from a simple React app using XHR, Fetch, and Axios.

44. How to Add Script Tags in React

Adding a new script tag and directly appending it to the element of the page is the easiest way to add