Let's learn about Jest via these 25 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the Learn Repo or learnrepo.com to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. How To Test an App That Using Redux Thunk Middleware
A practical approach to test an application that uses async redux-thunk action. The test will check the effect of dispatched action on the state.
2. A Beginners Guide to Learn Mock Fetching in jest
I am writing this post to show how to mock and test fetch with jest-fetch-mock. let's suppose that you are using Jest and you are comfortable with “async/await”.
3. Use GitLab's CI/CD Tool to Run Parallel Tests
How to run parallel jobs for RSpec tests on GitLab CI Pipeline and speed up Ruby & JavaScript testing
4. Tips, Tools, and Best Practices for Optimizing Unit Testing in JavaScript
Learn how to improve the performance of your JavaScript unit tests with this comprehensive guide.
5. Testing a React App with Jest and react-testing-library
How to test a React App, with Jest and react-testing-library
6. Using Jest to Mock Elasticsearch
Test your elastic queries like a pro using jest!
7. Taking a Look under the Hood to See How Jest Finds Related Tests
Learn how Jest finds related tests in an optimal way using the Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm and how to leverage its API in your local development enviro
8. How To Run Parallel RSpec Specs on GitLab CI In Ruby & Jest/Cypress Parallel Tests
How to run parallel jobs for RSpec tests on GitLab CI Pipeline and speed up Ruby & JavaScript testing
9. How to Survive Testing on NodeJs and Jest 🤒
Common mistakes and errors to look out for when testing with Jest on NodeJs.
10. Building A Test Runner in Jest - A How-To Guide
I use Jest nearly every day when working, and it's a fantastic tool. It lets me ship my code with confidence, knowing that I have produced something which works as intended.
11. Headless Testing with Playwright and Jest
Playwright is a NodeJS package which can be used to automate Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari browsers in a headless manner.
12. React forms with Formik and Unit Testing with react-testing-library
13. The Battle Between Jest and Mocha for Testing JavaScript Applications
Jest vs Mocha, which one should you chose? What are the pros & cons? All about our experience about making the call between Jest & Mocha.
14. Test Scope and Isolation With Eunice
There are often debates on the best way to describe what constitutes a "unit" when unit testing. Considering the scope of tests is an important part of code structure and complementary to how implementation is grouped.
15. React Component Testing Guide: Jest and RTL
This guide takes you through the basics of creating tests for React components using Jest and React Testing Library.
16. A Beginner's Guide to Unit Testing In JavaScript
In this article, we are going to discuss a testing approach known as unit testing. What are unit tests? How should you implement them? and their benefits.
17. Docker: Beginner's Guide
If you've been into software or web development for any amount of time, chances are that you at least heard of Docker. Maybe you're like me and have avoided using it because it seems complicated or difficult to set up.
18. API testing with Jest
19. How 'displayName' Helps In Testing React Using Styled Components
How to get rid of the weird styled component names in test snapshots
20. Beginners Guide to Get Started with Unit Testing in React Native
21. How To Test API Requests Using Promises
Dealing with testing can be hard sometimes, especially if you’re not too experienced in javascript. So, if you’re learning how to deal with API and now you want to start with testing, this guide will help you with it.
22. End-to-end Testing using React, Jest, and the TestProject JavaScript OpenSDK
Who knows what the future will hold for the world of end-to-end test automation, but TestProject is certainly a platform worth keeping your eye on.
23. Configuring Parallel Tests with Semaphore CI 2.0, RSpec, Cypress and Jest
How to configure parallel jobs on Semaphore CI for RSpec, Cypress and Jest tests to get the optimal CI build time.
24. Automation of QA with jest-puppeteer and Headless Chrome
As our application started to grow we felt a desperate need to ease the life of our QA team and make all the regular manual checks to be automated.
Out of all the available tools we decided to go with jest-puppeteer which is operating HeadlessChrome as a webdriver. So... today this is the protagonist of our narrative.
25. Testing Asynchronous JS Code: 2020 Edition
The text you are about to read describes an imaginary dialog between two programmers on their way to discover the orgastic pleasures of a library called asyncFn.
Thank you for checking out the 25 most read stories about Jest on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
This story was originally published on hackernoon.com