Let's learn about Continuous Deployment via these 53 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the Learn Repo or learnrepo.com to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. 8 Fallacies of Continuous Delivery
A quintessential piece for anyone working with distributed systems is the Fallacies of Distributed Computing by L Peter Deutsch. Even when working with modern platforms such as Kubernetes, the assertions made in the Fallacies of Distributed Computing prove to be very true around latency, bandwidth and system administration.
2. CI/CD Basics with Travis-CI
Automatically update GitHub pages for a repository as soon as the master branch is updated
3. DevOps 101: CI/CD [Explained]
[This is part of a DevOps 101 Series written by Kat Cosgrove, Developer Advocate at JFrog.]
4. How to Manage Databases with CI/CD
If you’re still doing manual migrations on the database you’re doing it wrong. Databases are as much part of the application as the code.
5. Beginner's Guide to Deploying a Spring Boot App to Azure App Service
If you are building a Java-based spring boot app, but struggling to deploy app to Azure Cloud, this blog post is for you. It will provide a brief introduction of Azure App Service and App service Plans and a step-by-step guide to deploy Java based Spring boot app to Azure App service.
6. How to Automate Kubernetes Deployments with Postman
Kubernetes is the most widely used container-based orchestration platform today. Learn how to deploy apps with continuous delivery using Postman.
7. How to Create Release Pipelines in Azure Devops in 7 Simple Steps
This article will explain how to create release pipelines in Azure Devops in seven simple steps.
8. Deployment Choice: Code Promotion vs Artifact Promotion
When it comes to deployment, a choice must be made. Find out what's the difference in code promotion and artifact promotion
9. Everything About the Best Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) Tools in 2022
DevOps practices are spreading , and many companies every day are implementing CI/CD process. The blog talks about the top 10 CI/CD tools. Learn more.
10. Implementing Blue/Green Deployments with Azure Web Apps for Containers
Using Deployment slots, we can perform Blue/Green deployments in Azure App Service to achieve zero-downtime deployments for our containerized workloads.
11. Using CI/CD Pipelines to Increase the Speed and Quality of Software Development
Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery in the development process. How the CI/CD pipeline helps create products and implement new features better and fast
12. What Is the Difference Between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment?
Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are two complementary practices that help teams get their software into the hands of users faster.
13. Craft Culture by Celebrating Deployments
Building a healthy productive engineering culture is hard and just deploying frequently with continuous deployment is not enough. I'm going to show you how you can use a carrot, not a stick, approach to take continuous deployment to the next level by celebrating team values with deployments.
14. Get Better at Using React Library And Continuous Deployment
How To Master React Library And Continuous Deployment
15. Measuring DevOps Metrics: A How-To Guide
DevOps is supposed to help streamline the process of taking code changes and getting them to production for users to enjoy. But what exactly does it mean for the process to be "streamlined"? One way to answer this is to start measuring metrics.
16. Streamline Your Python Backend Deployment with Automated Continuous Integration using Github Actions
Learn how to automate your python backend application deployment continuously with Github actions.
17. The Importance of a Continuous Delivery Culture
Continuous Delivery is the ability to ship code quickly, safely, and consistently, and it’s a necessity for teams that wish to remain innovative and competitive. It’s focused on delivering value to the user and starting that feedback loop early — the ideal state of Continuous Delivery is one in which your code is always ready to be deployed.
Many engineering leaders think of CD as a workflow and focus on the tooling and processes necessary to keep code moving from commit to deploy.
But CD is more than just a process — it’s a culture. To effectively practice CD, you need to:
18. Creating and Deploying a Simple Helm Chart
Learn how to create a simple Helm chart to package and deploy individual Kubernetes applications.
19. Deploy a React App to Heroku with Bitbucket pipelines
Hello world!
20. How Continuous Delivery Helps Startups to Deliver Value
The continuous model implies the frequent and predictable release of quality products. Let's understand the business benefits of Continuous Delivery.
21. Does your Business Need Canary Deployment?
Understand the Canary Deployment Strategy. And if it's right for your Business Model.
22. ModelOps Series: Deploying AI Models Into Production
In this installment of the ModelOps Blog Series, we will transition from what it takes to build AI models to the process of deploying into production.
23. Guide To Pursue DevOps Agile Development Cycle And Develop a Better Software
The rise of DevOps and Agile methodologies is apparent to anyone closely following the business world. Just last year, there was an 18 percent increase in DevOps adoption. Most business owners see the benefits of embracing both DevOps and Agile. With these methodologies in place, developers are able to get projects done in a timely and efficient manner.
24. Tech Teams in Brazil: 42% Deploy Daily, Another 38% Deploy Weekly [Study]
Between January 29th and March 5th, we conducted a survey to get a technology landscape of the Brazilian startups and companies. We released the full report with the results of the study.
25. 5 Ways to Overcome CI/CD Challenges
5 Challenges of CI/CD - how you can solve them!
26. Using Jenkins, Docker and CI/CD for Serverless Applications
Hi, I am developing a freelance project with aws lambda. I used Jenkins and docker for CI/CD. Jenkins runs pipelines on containers. In this Tutorial I will show you how I set my environment.
27. ReactJS Continuous Deployment to Firebase Hosting using Circle CI
Doing the same thing is very bored. On this topic, the boring part is deploying our Web Application to Firebase Hosting. The steps that we do are:
28. What's the difference between Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery?
There is plenty of out there describing what Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are. But what are these processes for in the first place?
29. Staging Environments are Too Important to be Overlooked: Here's Why
Many development teams skip having a staging environment for their applications. They often submit a PR, potentially run tests in a CI system, merge to master, and then deploy to production. This is a risky pipeline because there is no true integration environment or integration testing being performed. What’s worse is that if there is an issue they may engage in “cowboy coding” to try to resolve the issue on their live production environment.
30. 5 Most Common Software Deployment Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
There are a lot of factors that go into the software that drives the world today such as interface design, coding, testing, deployment.
31. An Introduction to Docker and How It is Important for Sysadmins
Ever since Docker went live in early 2013 it’s had a love-hate relationship with programmers and sysadmins. While some ‘experienced’ developers that I’ve talked to have a strong dislike for containerization in general (more on that later), there’s a reason why a lot of major companies including eBay, Twitter, Spotify and Lyft have reportedly adopted Docker in their production environments.
32. Application Deployment: Recipe for Great Serverless Strategy
This is true for the most part, but Serverless apps also have a certain property that can make their deployment and maintenance time consuming.
33. How to Deploy Modern Apps with AWS Amplify
Deploying a web app to AWS Amplify provides a way to host your frontend web app on the internet using its services for free which provisions a URL you can share
34. A Simple Guide to Github Page Deployment
Long story short: Jekyll is a template engine changing markdown documents on static HTML webpages, that you can then host anywyere, because you don't need databases or server that has PHP or Python.
35. Efficient Deployment and Release Management
“Do not deploy on Friday” is not a joke after all even if you have continuous deployment. With deciding to deploy anyway comes the subtle concern...
36. GIT-version Your AWS CloudFormation Parameters using Stackuchin
Full disclosure: I'm the CTO of rungutan.com - the first API Load Testing SaaS platform, 100% Serverless, API driven, finally available for SMBs, the company which has built this open-source software - Stackuchin.
37. What "Shifting Left" in Software Really Means for Blameless DevOps
A truly "blameless culture" in software must to evolve from incident reporting, to telemetry aimed at Proactive Observability in DevOps
38. How Splice Applied the Scientific Method to Unblock Deployment
The following article is based on a talk Juan Pablo Buriticá, VP of Engineering at Splice, gave at our annual Engineering Leadership Conference and a subsequent interview. Watch the full talk here, and see the slides here.
39. Azure DevOps: How to Build, Test And Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service
I have been using Azure Devops for a while. Like most of the cloud products out there this is one which gets constant refresh. My plan is to document the steps for building, testing and deploying an app to Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure Devops. So let's start.
40. Flawless Releases with Continuous Deployment and Docker
Docker is a container technology that enables developers to run entire applications as a unit. It offers all the benefits of virtual machines, without the high overhead:
41. I have a confession to make… I commit to master.
I used to preach about Git Flow to keep my code releasable, rollback-able, and keep a clean history. But not anymore — now, bad code doesn’t make it into my codebase.
42. Your Serverless Guide is Ready
Learn everything you need to know about Serverless, including case studies, essential concepts, guidelines, and best practices.
43. Speed and Quality are Not Mutually Exclusive: Telemetry is the Key
All engineering teams strive to build the best product they can as quickly as possible. Some, though, stumble into a false dichotomy of choosing between speed and quality. While that choice may have been necessary in the past, it’s not the case today.
44. On Building A Development Pipeline With Kubernetes
A few years ago, digital transformation led to enterprises moving away from traditional monolithic architectures to microservices.
45. How to Get the Most Out of Heroku CI
Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) are best practices in today’s software engineering development process.
46. Hosting an Angular application on GitHub Pages using Travis CI
Application example built with Angular 15 and hosted on GitHub Pages using Travis CI.
47. How to set up Continuous Delivery using Heroku Flow
Continuous deployment doesn’t need to be this hard to set up.
48. Buddy Vs Jenkins: Technical and Tactical Differences
Buddy and Jenkins find themselves on completely opposite ends of the CI/CD spectrum. So which one should you go for? It certainly is a question of context. There are some clear technical differences but how they relate to actual value is circumstantial and should be taken on a case by case basis. As such, this comparison will be broken down into two sections.
49. Deploy on Fridays, or Don't.
There seems to be a debate that has gone on for quite some time now on the Twitters about whether or not you should do Friday deploys, and whether there should be Friday moratoriums, etc. There are a lot of accusations being thrown around about fear, testing, time to recover, and the like. To be very clear, I am not a big fan of Friday deploys. That opinion is not based on merely how I feel about deploying on Friday, but also based on the science of it, as well as my learned experience.
50. 5 Best Microservices CI/CD Tools You Need to Check Out
The blog provides information on the build & deploy tools that are centred around microservices application delivery and are being used in the industry today.
51. 5 Ways that Microservices can be Deployed Effectively
The perfect place to host a microservice application is largely determined by its size and scaling requirements. So, let’s go over the 5 main ways we can deploy
52. The Results Of A Comparison Between Five CI/CD Services
53. DevOps Practices for Software Engineers to Learn
In this world of cross-functional teams and microservice architecture, DevOps skills become increasingly important, and that starts with understanding CI/CD
Thank you for checking out the 53 most read stories about Continuous Deployment on HackerNoon.
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This story was originally published on hackernoon.com